After many hours calling, searching and visiting possible restuarant locations, and discovering that Rockville sucks and that corkage here does not exist (most owners don't know what the phrase means) I was stuck. I had a cult-celebrity coming to visit, I had promised him a gathering and I got all the Vayniacs excited as well, and I couldn't get a freakin' restuarant! But then Big Brad swept in and saved us and offered his pad.

Gary being the honorary "G" for TBAG 2.0
The night couldn't have gone smoother (other than me almost losing Gary in the convoy to Brad's pad...) It was a great, informal, relaxed atmosphere. I suppose Gary liked it because he wasn't the center of focus- people were getting to know each other, we got personal autographs, everyone got to one-on-one with Gary; we could have not asked for a better outing. Thank you Gary for keeping us inspired and for being personable. Thank you to all the Vayniacs who came out and showed Gary that he has a following in D.C. and that it doesn't completely suck, even if it sucks quite a bit...Until next time, cheers!
-Tatum Read More!